Book Club Questions for Flowers of Grace
The night before Flowers of Grace was released for publication, the launch team gathered in a virtual book group on Facebook to hold the first book club for Flowers of Grace. The fast-paced conversations flitted from thread to thread as we commented on plot, characters, and theme. The most fun came when we started relating the story to our own experiences and relationships. I repeated this experience with some close women friends of mine. We laughed and listened and talked. Oh, did we talk! Not just about the book but about our own self consciousness, the “Lilly” characters in...
Read MoreThe True Story that Inspired Flowers of Grace
Flowers of Grace is a novel inspired by a a true story, but the cover could read “inspired by a real plant.” Several years ago I received a hibiscus plant from a woman receiving hospice care for cancer. I met Lily when I accompanied my husband on a visit to her home. I didn’t know her well, but I returned another day with a pot of homemade turkey noodle soup. I sat on the little stool beside Lily’s bed and listened to her talk, even though I couldn’t understand much of what this tiny Filipino woman said. On another visit she told me she wanted to give me her hibiscus...
Read MoreReminders of His Love – Guest Post at Literary Time Out
Recognizing, receiving, and recalling these evidences of God’s love helped me remember that He loved me, even with bleak physical circumstances.
Read MoreFacing Financial Trials with Faith – Guest Post at Mormon Women
Through simple faith, applied over and over, like the widow of Zarephath, He sustained us through our drought.
Read MoreThree Dollar Attribute – Guest Post at Segullah
Three-dollar items that generally had not received our notice or resources for a long time became treasures of everyday life when they did.
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